Phase Four of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) is the first phase in the superhero franchise to include television shows produced by Marvel Studios. Since Phase Four officially kicked off last January, three event series have already arrived on Disney+ and these are WandaVision, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, and Loki. More MCU shows are coming to Disney+ as part of Phase Four and one of the most highly anticipated is She-Hulk.
She-Hulk cast
Tatiana Maslany, best known for her Emmy-winning performance on the BBC America sci-fi series Orphan Black, will play the titular role in She-Hulk. In the comics, She-Hulk is Jennifer Walters, an attorney and cousin of Bruce Banner, aka The Hulk. An emergency blood transfusion from her cousin gives Walters her powers, but unlike Bruce, Jennifer is able to keep her intelligence and personality when she hulked out, allowing her to balance her life as a superhero and a lawyer.
Mark Ruffalo, who made his first MCU appearance as Bruce/The Hulk in 2012’s Avengers, will reprise his role in She-Hulk. Tim Roth is also reprising his role as Emil Blonsky, aka Abomination, in She-Hulk. Roth previously played the villainous character in 2008’s The Incredible Hulk, which is part of Phase One of the MCU.
Also starring in She-Hulk are MCU newcomers Ginger Gonzaga, Renée Elise Goldsberry, and Jameela Jamil. Gonzaga will portray Jennifer’s best friend while Goldsberry will appear as a character referred to as Amelia. Lastly, Jamile will play Titania, a rival of Jennifer with incredible strength.
She-Hulk writers, directors, and executive producers
Described by Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige as “a half-hour legal comedy” that would be faithful to John Byrne’s take on She-Hulk in Marvel Comics, She-Hulk is being written by head writer Jessica Gao, along with staff writers Dana Schwartz, Melissa Hunter, Cody Ziglar, and Kara Brown.
Kat Coiro will direct multiple episodes of She-Hulk, with Anu Valia also helming some of the 10 episodes of the show’s first season. Coiro also executive produces the series together with Feige, Gao, Louis D’Esposito, and Victoria Alonso.
She-Hulk release date
She-Hulk doesn’t a have an exact premiere date yet, but Marvel announced last December that it will arrive on Disney+ sometime in 2022. Principal photography on the series, which was filming under the working titles Libra and Clover, started in April in Los Angeles and at Trilith Studios in Atlanta. Filming is expected to last until August 30th.