Disney Princesses have been subjects of various mash-up artworks online. And because of the unstoppable popularity of the video game Overwatch, it isn’t a surprise that there are a number artists out there who have re-imagined our favorite Disney Princesses as Overwatch Heroes. Continue reading below to discover some of the amazing Overwatch x Disney Princess fan art created by brilliant artists DallasNagataWhite, Shroggy, Phillippeaux, and PoRong.
#1 Elsa as Mercy

Trading in her traditional royal dress for Mercy’s Valkyrie Suit, Elsa looks majestic in this piece of mash-up art. In a clear nod to the Queen of Arendelle’s ice and snow power, Mercy’s Valkyrie Suit is splashed with the color blue instead of the original yellow and orange palette. The snowflakes detail in the background also reminds Disney fans of the seemingly endless winter that Elsa’s kingdom boldly endured before.
#2 Jasmine

Jasmine has her game face on in this mystical Overwatch-inspired artwork. While Shroggy admittedly trailed a little bit off of the Overwatch feel and opted for magical power instead of traditional weaponry, this fan art still captures video game characters’ no-nonsense look. Though this illustration isn’t inspired by any particular Overwatch hero, Jasmine’s daring gold and blue Arabian attire is reminiscent of Symmetra’s sexy combat gear.
#3 Belle

Belle is ready for battle in this funky Overwatch x Disney Princess fusion art. Rocking her iconic golden ball gown, Belle oozes confidence as she one-handedly carries her huge weapon with a Beast head fire-through. Though not inspired by any specific Overwatch weapon, Belle’s gigantic gun resembles Pharah’s rocket launcher.
#4 Snow White

Snow White has never looked as menacing as this. Though dressed in her signature blue and yellow court dress, the young princess is apparently not “the fairest one of all” in this piece of mash-up art. Inspired by the geisha in the Ghost in the Shell movies, Snow White has a neglected humanoid appearance, complete with an apple bomb as her weapon of choice. She’s also got some backup from the seven dwarfs who also boast an animatronic look.
#5 Rapunzel as Widowmaker

Rapunzel is all geared up to eliminate her targets in this Overwatch-inspired artwork. Re-imagined as the remorseless assassin Widowmaker, the Princess of Corona is equipped with the video game character’s sniper rifle Widow’s kiss, the ever-reliable grappling hook, and the high-tech recon visor Infra-Sight. Her purplish pink battle suit adorned with floral ornaments is an obvious gesture to the Disney character’s traditional German dress dirndl.
#6 Mulan as Genji

The fiercest Disney princess looks even fiercer as cyborg Genji. With two katanas at her disposal, Mulan is more than ready to strike down anyone who will come her way. Accompanied by her mythical dragon guardian Mushu, Mulan gives a deadly glare and exudes an incomparable fearless streak.
#7 Merida as Hanzo

Re-imagined as bowman Hanzo, Merida vigilantly guards the night with her sturdy bow and specialized set of arrows. Inspired by the video game character’s dragon tattoo, the Princess of DunBroch rocks a matching arm and face tattoo, making her look braver than ever.
#8 Esmeralda as Sombra

Esmeralda is a self-assured hacker in this Overwatch x Disney Princess mash-up art. Dressed in Sombra’s full battle suit, the gypsy from Notre Dame flaunts her fully-automatic machine pistol as well as her technologically advanced hand gloves that allow her to stop her enemies and become invisible for a limited time. Despite Esmeralda’s different look, onlookers are reminded of the character’s street performer roots through her trademark golden hoop earring and iconic tambourine hanging around her waist.
#9 Elsa as Mei

Elsa’s ice and snow power makes her the most fitting Disney character to be re-created as Mei — the only Overwatch hero with ice-based abilities. Dressed in a parka similar to Mei’s, Elsa wears her hair in a loose French braid that is swept over her left shoulder. To complete Mei’s wintery get-up, Elsa sports a pair of elbow-length gloves and a matching utility belt. While Elsa doesn’t wield Mei’s Endothermic Blaster, the climatologist’s weather-modification drone is seen latched on the Queen of Arendelle’s back.
#10 Alice as D.Va

Alice is having a tea break after a busy day piloting her state-of-the-art mech. Re-imagined as D.Va, Alice dons a blue and white battle suit that is reminiscent of her signature cerulean blue knee-length dress, topped with white pinafore apron. Alice’s mech is also embellished with a lot of Alice in Wonderland Easter eggs, including White Rabbit’s bunny ears, temple-less glasses, and massive-sized watch.
#11 Rapunzel as Tracer

Envisioned as the time-jumping adventurer Tracer, Rapunzel aims her twin pulse pistols at her target with so much ease. Though the Princess of Corona can effortlessly zip through space using her chronal accelerator, her long and unruly golden locks may be a liability in the battlefield.
Bonus: Ursula as Roadhog

Ursula is obviously not a Disney princess but this Overwatch-inspired artwork is too good to look past. Re-imagined as the ruthless killer Roadhog, the evil sea witch looks terrifying with a gas mask on. Staying true to her under-the-sea origin, Ursula’s revealing combat attire is adorned with underwater creatures found in her gloomy lair. Though not equipped with any firearm, Ursula brandishes Roadhog’s infamous Chain Hook, which is re-created as a spiky crustacean leg.