People are starting to discover all kinds of things in Cyberpunk 2077‘s Night City, including a reference / easter egg to one of the most iconic games of all time, Grand Theft Auto.
More specifically, the easter egg references a popular side quest in Grand Theft Auto San Andreas titled Wrong Side of the Tracks. This mission had the main character, CJ, on a motorcycle chasing a rival gang that’s attempting to escape on the back of a train. This mission gave birth to one of the most internet-famous lines from the game – “All we had to do, was follow the damn train, CJ!”
This mission’s dialogue is almost mirrored in an archived conversation found on a dead NPC in Cyberpunk 2077. Even the names on the conversation, JC and Little Smoke, are a play on GTA’s main character and villain names, CJ and Big Smoke.
Interestingly, the NPC where you can find this conversation on may well be the Cyberpunk version of Big Smoke. GTA fans were quick to spot a half-eaten cheeseburger near the dead body which probably references Big Smoke’s burger order at Cluckin’ Bell (GTA San Andreas’ parody of Taco Bell and KFC). Adding even more references to GTA San Andreas, two dead bodies can be found outside, you guessed it, in a train tunnel.
Apart from this GTA easter egg, players have been finding more and more pop-culture references inside Cyberpunk from the likes of The Witcher, the Bates Hotel, Death Stranding, and even The Office.
CD Projekt Red’s Cyberpunk 2077 has been receiving glowing reviews for its impressive gameplay and story. It’s currently available on current-gen consoles, PC, and last-gen consoles although many have complained of its awful performance on the PS4 and Xbox One.