You can play Tetris on the front of the Pix backpack

The digital backpack is expected to retail for $260.

You can play Tetris on the front of the Pix backpack 2

A start-up called Pix has created the backpack of the 21st-century. Boasting a digital back, owners can customize the look to display pictures, animations, and other ‘widgets’. It even plays vintage games like Tetris!

As you’d expect, your mobile device is used to control the backpack. Through Pix’s iOS or Andriod app, owners can easily change the look.

You can play Tetris on the front of the Pix backpack 3According to the company’s Indiegogo page, the backpack can display “things you’re passionate about,” from “favorite characters, sport team logos, music bands or just funny pictures or eye-catchy pixel art.” Pix says owners can choose designs from the app library or ‘express themselves’ by drawing custom / personal designs.

Per the photos, some of the cooler display options are Mario, the time animation, as well as the turn indicator. Pix has created an impressive cycling ‘widget’ that allows the backpack to indicate left-, right-turns and stops.

But the most interesting feature of all is the ability to play games like Tetris, Snake, and Arkanoid. The maker says outside developers will have the ability to create new games and widgets once the product starts shipping in January 2019.

Lastly, designed to be as functional as it is cool, inside the pack there’s space for a 15-inch laptop, tablet, charger, notebooks, and much more. In short, Pix says it’s every bit as useful and durable as other backpacks.

Pix’s digital backpack is expected to retail for $260.