X-Men: Dark Phoenix and New Mutants films get delayed

Both Marvel Comics films have been pushed off to allow for significant reshoots.

X-Men Dark Phoenix

Two upcoming Marvel Comics have been delayed and we’re pretty bummed. New Mutants was originally scheduled to be released next month, and X-Men: Dark Phoenix was scheduled to be released into theaters in November. Both films are being delayed to allow for significant reshoots.

X-Men: Dark Phoenix will now be released on February 14, 2019 and New Mutants is now slated for an August 2nd, 2019 summer release.

For some additional background, X-Men: Dark Phoenix is a reprisal of the comic book version. Jennifer Lawrence and Michael Fassbender will be returning in the film, but Magneto and Mystique will not, so you can expect big changes being made to the canon.

New Mutants on the other hand is being described as more of a horror film than a story about the next generation of X-Men.

Better late than never?

Source: Nerdist / Deadline