The PlayStation 5 will be released during the holiday 2020 season

It’s official!

The PlayStation 5 will be released during the holiday 2020 season 1

Sony has been slowly releasing information about the PlayStation 5 over the past several weeks, although the majority of these details have been relatively minor. But now the company has announced that the PS5 is well into development and will be released during the 2020 holiday season.

Sony has also revealed a few extra details focused on the design of the PS5’s controller. To that effect, one of the largest differences between the PlayStation 5’s controller and that of its predecessors is that the ‘rumble’ feedback feature has been removed. To compensate, Sony has implemented haptic feedback that seems somewhat similar to the haptic feedback included in the Nintendo Switch, although Sony has likely tweaked and improved this tech.

The company has also claimed that the sense of touch on the PS5’s controllers are so refined that players will be able to tell the difference between walking through mud and grass. How this is achieved wasn’t elaborated upon, although with the drip-feed of information that Sony has been releasing for the console, an explanation could come at a later date.

The L2 and R2 triggers are also receiving an update, with this primarily coming in the form of adaptive triggers. Sony has noted that developers should be able to utilize this to better represent in-game tension, such as when a character is drawing an arrow with a bow. Last but not least, the new controller’s design will come with USB-C charging.

Alongside this, some reports have suggested that the PlayStation 5 will utilize GPU hardware to handle Blu-rays. Other reports claim that game installs will be faster thanks to a super-fast SSD.