Question of
What’s your position in your squad?
The Shepherd
The comic relief
The Quick-witted bystander
Question of
What is your favorite color?
Question of
If you were to update your Instagram description, which of these would you pick?
“To get ice cream. Or commit a felony. I’ll decide in the car.”
“Isn’t it amazing how I can feel so bad, yet look so good?”
“Back in St. Olaf…”
“Picture this…”
Question of
What’s your pet peeve?
People who think they’re smarter than you are
When you don’t get enough attention
People who don’t let you finish your stories
When people insult your cooking
Question of
Which of the following describes you best?
A bookworm who can knock you down with sarcastic wit
The prettiest girl on the planet
A kindhearted person who always has their friends’ back
You’re a satiric sarcasm generator
Question of
It’s finally the weekend. Where will you be hanging out?
At the library, reading up a storm
Downtown, restaurant hopping
Paris, just soaking up the scenery
At home in front of the TV, enjoying my alone time before everyone comes back
Question of
What makes you angry?
When people chew you out for asking an innocent question
Obnoxious inlaws who keep telling you what to do
When you get treated like you aren’t smart enough
Losing. You just hate losing
Question of
Pick one of these food items:
Vanilla ice cream
Spicy salsa and nachos
Strawberry pie
Question of
Which of the following would you enjoy the most?
Reading a book in complete utter silence
Meeting new people
Doing charity work
Judging people out loud
Question of
You’re attending your friend’s bridal shower. Are you early, on time, or late?
I’m always early for every event.
I’ll probably be late. It takes me a long time to do my hair and makeup
I’m a punctual person
Wait, when’s the bridal shower again?
Question of
Which of the following would you want as a pet?
A goldfish
A Shih Tzu
A munchkin cat
Question of
Describe yourself in one word
Question of
What is the most important trait in a significant other?
Question of
Describe your fashion sense
Exquisitely daring
Question of
Which of the following is your favorite Golden Girls episode?
The Monkey Show
Second Motherhood
Portrait of a Woman
The Engagement
Question of
What is your weakness?
Any kind of contest
Your memory
Question of
Your dream destination is?
Question of
What’s your favorite season?
Fall. I like to watch the leaves change color
Summer. I like to show off my bikini bod
Winter. I love making snow angels
Spring. It’s when the flowers bloom
Question of
When you’re at parties, which role do you play?
The observer.
The social butterfly. I’ll talk with everyone there!
The class clown. I like to make people laugh.
The silent judger. I’ll be judging everyone from my comfort zone.
Question of
What’s your strong suit at school?
Social Studies
Question of
Choose your favorite Golden Girls quote!
“Shady Pines, Ma!”
“Crying is for plain women. Pretty women go shopping.”
“Can I ask a dumb question?”
“People waste their time pondering whether a glass is half empty or half full. Me, I just drink whatever’s in the glass.”
Question of
Choose your Christmas gift:
A hardbound limited edition version of your favorite book
A full set of high-end makeup
A 6 foot tall teddy bear
A leather designer bag
Question of
Pick a Marvel character
Tony Stark
Black Widow
Ant Man
Question of
Pick the prettiest pattern
Sparkly hearts
Zig Zag
Question of
Who came first, the chicken or the egg?
The chicken, of course. Let’s be logical.
I think it was the egg. Don’t tell me the chicken wasn’t born.
Could it have been both?
Does it even matter?