Since it launched in 2011, Game of Thrones has become one of the most controversial TV shows not only in the US but in other parts of the world as well. The series’ depiction of violence — such as torture, emasculation, and setting a child on fire — has met with negative comments from critics. The same has been the case for the show’s portrayal of incest, female nudity, and non-consensual sex, among many others.
Critics think that that the program’s representation of sexual violence is explicit, excessive, and unnecessary. But George R. R. Martin — the author of the novel series A Song of Ice and Fire from which the hit HBO series is based — argued that rape and other forms of sexual violence are common in war and omitting them from the show’s narrative would have undermined one of the themes of his novels, which is medieval realism.
Though there have been a number of viewers who quit watching the show after finding its depiction of sex and violence offensive, a lot of fans have continued to support the series particularly because of its boldness to go places where other similar shows wouldn’t dare to go.
In fact, some of these fans love the menacing and raunchy world of Game of Thrones so much that it has inspired them to create artwork that reimagine Game of Thrones characters in worlds that are considerably as wild as Westeros.
Take a look at some of these fan art created by brilliant artists Andrew Tarusov, Hilary Heffron, Anderson Mahanski and Fernando Mendonça in the list below.
#1 Burtonesque Daenerys

This is how the Mother of Dragons will look like if Tim Burton directs an animated version of Game of Thrones. Daenerys’ big round eyes in this fan art are very much similar to the eyes of the characters in the 2005 dark comedy film Corpse Bride, which Burton co-directed with Mike Johnson.
#2 Burtonesque Brienne and Tormund

The heavy snowfall doesn’t stop Tormund from trying to win Brienne’s heart. Though Tormund comes with a two-layered cake and a bouquet of red roses for Brienne, the Maid of Tarth remains unimpressed. Is it because she’s in love with Jaime?
#3 Burtonesque Night King

The Night King has fearlessly led the White Walkers and the rest of the army of the dead to the other side of the Wall. So who would have thought that a simple baby duty would send shivers down his spine?
#4 Burtonesque Hodor and Bran

Though Bran looks worried in this piece of art, we’re pretty sure that Hodor’s presence gives him a little peace of mind.
#5 Burtonesque Jon

Confident that Melisandre will resurrect him, Jon, with a sword pierced through his heart, makes the thumbs up sign before taking his last breath.
#6 Burtonesque The Mountain and Joffrey

Not even the monstrous body build of The Mountain could protect Joffrey from his fateful death. As seen in this illustration, the bratty Lord of the Seven Kingdoms is holding the iconic goblet containing the poisoned wine that will ultimately kill him.
#7 Burtonesque Cersei

With no one left in line for the Throne but her, Cersei gladly accepts her new role. Though it has always been her dream to rule the Seven Kingdoms on her own, Cersei looks a little apprehensive in this piece of art. Could that be because the love of her life Jaime has abandoned her?
#8 Burtonesque Arya and The Hound

Though a little bit frightened, Arya is ready for battle with her thin yet trusty sword, Needle. The Hound, on the other hand, seems uninterested. Is he letting Arya do all the fighting?
#9 Burtonesque Tyrion and Varys

While Tyrion looks shocked, Varys appears embarrassed in this artwork. Did the Imp drop another eunuch joke that offended the Master of Whisperers? If that’s the case, then we’re pretty sure that Varys got even with Tyrion by pulling off a dwarf joke he didn’t see coming.
#10 Burtonesque Melisandre

Melisandre looks a lot less cunning in this artwork than she usually does. Despite having Burton’s iconic big round eyes, the Red Woman seems lonely — probably because she hasn’t forgiven herself yet for burning Shireen alive.
#11 Burtonesque Missandei and Grey Worm

Though not one of the most powerful pairs on the show, Missandei and Grey Worm have proven several times that one true love can go a long way.
#12 Burtonesque Sansa and Littlefinger

Littlefinger’s creepy stare is making Sansa very uncomfortable. Though Sansa is truly a spitting image of her late mom Catelyn, whom Littlefinger was really attracted to, the Lady of Winterfell or any woman, in general, doesn’t deserve to be treated like this.
#13 Pin-Up Cersei

With a cup of her favorite Arbor Red on her right hand, Cersei sits comfortably on the Iron Throne while wearing an unusual revealing dress. Is she trying to seduce her twin brother Jaime with her flawless and sexy legs?
#14 Pin-Up Daenerys

Daenerys shows off her curvy hips in a white waist-high slit dress that matches her platinum blonde hair. Though she seems to be waiting for Jon to see how lovely she is, Khaleesi finds an instant fan of her beauty in the little dragon beside her.
#15 Pin-Up Ygritte

Despite the freezing cold weather in the North, Yrgitte only has a piece of fur cloth to cover her luscious body. But the wildling is clearly not complaining, as the sweet smile on her face suggests that she has a kinky idea in mind.
#16 Pin-Up Margaery

Margaery goes commando in a very revealing dress that shows parts of her breasts and inner thighs. Since it’s Margaery’s ultimate dream to become the Queen, it won’t be a surprise if she’s just using her beautiful face and body to ultimately fulfill her heart’s real desire.
#17 Pin-Up Sansa

Wearing a sexier version of her latest wedding dress, Sansa surprisingly looks happy in this fan art. Does her carefree smile mean she has figured out a way to escape Ramsay’s lunacy before they share a bed following their nuptials? We certainly hope so.
#18 Pin-Up Missandei

Missandei is excited to see Grey Worm after his long and rough day on the battlefield. And because the commander of the unsullied did a great job at accomplishing his mission, it looks like Missandei has a sultry surprise for him.
#19 Pin-Up Melisandre

Melisandre is looking extra hot in her red hooded robe dress that partially reveals her breasts. But why is she holding a fire extinguisher? Is that her way of saying that she’s up for some roleplaying before the main event?
#20 Pin-Up Arya

With her shapely thighs and legs on full display, the tomboyish Arya looks unusually ladylike in this artwork. Though she seems to be too busy reading a book, no one should dare make a move against her because Needle is just within her reach.
#21 Pin-Up Ros

Because of her pretty face and seductive body, Ros has become one of the most sought-after sex workers in the North and eventually in King’s Landing. But her high-status clients must keep their mouths shut if they’re getting her services. Because aside from the art of seduction, Ros has also mastered the art of retrieving valuable information from her prominent patrons.
#22 Pin-Up Brienne

Without any pants on, Brienne flaunts her long slender legs while leaning on a huge sword that doubles as a prop. This fan art is a refreshing take on the character, as she’s usually depicted as someone who is very serious, stern, and profound on the hit HBO series.
#23 Pin-Up Talisa

Talisa looks sultry even in her medic garb. We bet that Robb will fake an injury just to spend some time with her.
#24 Pin-Up Shae

Shae’s experience as a sex worker makes her a perfect pin-up girl. She knows how to charm the camera and knows which poses will best highlight her assets. If Tyrion sees this poster, he’ll definitely get one and will have it framed.
#25 Pin-Up Ellaria

Dorne’s harsh desert climate won’t stop Ellaria from enjoying the sun. Wearing an orange two-piece skimpy bikini, Ellaria sunbathes with a bottle of sunblock to protect her skin from the harmful UV rays.
#26 Pin-Up Daenerys Version 2

As if the waist-high slit in Daenerys’ dress is not revealing enough, her little baby dragon is trying to tear her frock apart to completely reveal her voluptuous body.
#27 Modern-Day The Hound

Present-day Sandor Clegane is a man-bunned, chicken-loving gym buff. He’s also got lots of tattoos, including a Mike Tyson face tattoo, the name Arya on his neck, a pin-up Sansa art on his right arm, and the letters WOOF on his left knuckles.
#28 Jon and Ramsay

This fan art is so brilliantly made that it would pass as an official promo photo for the Battle of the Bastards episode of Game of Thrones. The close-up illustrations of Jon and Ramsay show how badly they needed to win the fight.
#29 Modern-Day Hodor

Given his tall height, it isn’t really surprising to see Hodor wearing a basketball jersey. What’s really unexpected is to see several tattoos on her arms, chest, hand, and forehead. Though Bran is nowhere to be seen in this fan art, Hodor is actually holding a different kind of Bran: a box of cereals cleverly called Bran Flakes.
#30 Modern-Day Daenerys

Like The Hound and Hodor, modern-day Daenerys also loves tattoos. But unlike the first two, Daenerys is sporting minimal yet meaningful inks, including a huge image of Drogon on the right side of her back, a sun and stars custom tattoo on her left forearm, and the word Dracarys on her right forearm.
#31 Modern-Day Tyrion

Like the Tyrion we see on the show, this present-day reimagining of The Imp also enjoys drinking and the company of women. The only apparent difference between the two is that this modern-day version is sporting a number of cool tattoos, including a full wine sleeve on his left arm, an ornamental lion on the right side of her abdomen, and an “Impin’ Ain’t Easy” pin-up with crossbow ink on his chest.
#32 Modern-Day Margaery

This present-day version of Margaery is pretty much similar with the Margaery we met on the hit HBO series — beautiful, cunning, and oozing with sass. But because this present-day incarnation of the character is sporting a number of elaborate inks, she looks much edgier than her live-action counterpart.
#33 Modern-Day Ramsay

Ramsay is still a bad boy even in the present day. In this artwork, the psychotic legitimized bastard son of Roose Bolton is in front of the camera for his mugshot. And because he doesn’t have a shirt on, several of his custom tattoos are on full display. In addition to his ear gauges and helix, he’s also wearing a barbell in his right nipple.
#34 Modern-Day Arya

This present-day reimagining of Arya looks very similar to Maisie Williams in real life. The actress herself has a number of tattoos but they are much smaller in size compared to the pretty big inks that this version of Arya has.
#35 Drogo and Daenerys

Drogo is Daenerys’ first true love. Though she has fallen in love with other men since his death, it will be hard for the Mother of Dragons to forget her “Shekh ma shieraki anni” (sun and stars in Dothraki). After all, if it weren’t for him, she would not have a pack of Dothraki warriors fighting by her side through all eight seasons of the series.
#36 Jason Momoa

This isn’t Drogo, but the actor who portrayed him in real life. Though Jason Momoa doesn’t wear any blue pigment that Drogo and his khalasar have on their bodies, the Hawaii-born actor has his fair share of tattoos. The Aquaman actor has at least six inks on his body, and as seen in this fan art, two of those are his tribal sleeve tattoo on his left forearm and his chest tattoo, which is actually signatures of his children Lola and Wolf.
#37 Disney Daenerys

If Disney creates an animated Game of Thrones series, this is how Daenerys and one of her dragons will look like. Interestingly, the dry and hot environment of Southern Essos looks a lot like a desert in the Kingdom of Agrabah. Is a Game of Thrones / Aladdin crossover too much to ask for?
#38 Disney Jon

This artwork shows a rare sight of Jon having fun with his direwolf Ghost. It also features the snowy environment in the Wall which is very similar to that of Arendelle during the time the Disney kingdom was plunged into an eternal winter.
#39 Disney Jon and Daenerys

Jon and Daenerys look like Aladdin and Jasmine in this Disney-inspired Game of Thrones artwork. But instead of riding the magic carpet, Jon and Daenerys are enjoying the view from above while riding one of her ever-reliable dragons.
#40 Fab Disney Daenerys

Daenerys is full of sass in this Disney x Game of Thrones fan art. Though Game of Thrones fans rarely see the character’s sassy side on the series, there’s no denying that she’s fabulous given all the hardships she has overcome since Day 1.
#41 Disney Arya and The Hound

Arya has tried to kill The Hound several times since the latter ended the life of her friend Mycah, the butcher boy, back in Season 1. But after all her attempts, The Hound is still alive and kicking. Do you think it’s about time for Arya to reconsider removing The Hound’s name on her kill list?
#42 Disney Bran and Hodor

While this fan art seems like a normal illustration of Bran and Hodor having fun, a deeper look at it reveals Bran’s manipulative nature even as a child. In the series, Hodor had been nothing but a reliable company for Bran ever since he lost his legs. Hodor even let him warged into him at crucial times, but we honestly felt that Bran failed to reciprocate all the care Hodor had given him.
#43 Disney Cersei

Cersei looks like a real Disney villain in this piece of art. While holding a glass of wine on her right hand and a wanted poster of her brother Tyrion on the other, Cersei gives an evil look only seen in Disney antagonists.
#44 Disney Tyrion

This Disney x Game of Thrones fan art perfectly captures Tyrion’s laid-back personality in the early seasons of the series. Though some fans miss the Imp’s happy-go-lucky persona, they’re proud of how Tyrion has changed for the better since he left King’s Landing.