Which is the best state for singles?

Here are 2022’s best and worst states for singles

Which is the best state for singles

Single and actively looking for a romantic partner? Then you may want to increase your odds of finding love by moving to the right state. In addition to your physical appearance, personality, interests, and employment status, your location can significantly affect your pursuit of love. To help unattached Americans improve their chances of finding love, the personal finance website WalletHub has released a report revealing the best state for singles.

According to WalletHub’s study, the best state for singles is California, followed by New York, Florida, Texas, and Pennsylvania. Illinois ranks sixth, followed by Massachusetts in the seventh place, with New Jersey, Wisconsin, and Virginia in the eighth, ninth, and tenth places, consecutively.

The worst state for singles, on the other hand, is West Virginia, followed by Arkansas, North Dakota, Wyoming, Mississippi, Kentucky, Alabama, Alaska, Idaho, and South Carolina.

WalletHub came up with the ranking by comparing all 50 U.S. states across 30 key indicators of dating-friendliness, including share of the population that is single, gender balance, online-dating opportunities, mobile-dating opportunities, unemployment rate, and date options per capita.

Though not in the top 10, Louisiana has the highest share of single adults, 54.18 percent, which is 1.3 times higher than in Utah, the state with the lowest at 42.87 percent.

While North Dakota is one of the worst states for singles, it actually has the lowest unemployment rate for the single population, 4.37 percent, which is 2.6 times lower than in Mississippi, the state with the highest at 11.40 percent.

What hugely helped California to be named as the best state for singles is its several fitness and recreational facilities. California has the most fitness and recreational facilities (per square root of population), 0.783228, which is 10.7 times more than in Hawaii, the state with the fewest at 0.072955.

Which is the best city for singles over 40?

The results of WalletHub’s study are intended to help singles ― whatever their ages are ― find love. But if you are over 40 and curious about which specific American cities are a great dating place for someone your age, below is the top 10 best cities for singles over 40, as reported by website Journeyz.

  1. San Francisco, California
  2. Atlanta, Georgia
  3. Austin, Texas
  4. Seattle, Washington
  5. Louis, Missouri
  6. Miami, Florida
  7. Boston, Massachusetts
  8. Memphis, Tennessee
  9. Houston, Texas
  10. Burlington, Vermont

Almost 45 percent of San Francisco residents are single, so there’s almost a 50/50 chance of running into another single in this beautiful city. Atlanta, meanwhile, has all the amenities of a large metropolitan area, making it an incredible dating location. Well cultured and sophisticated, Austin gives singles a lot of options to enjoy food, fashion, music, technology, and arts with their potential romantic partner.

Moving to another place is a huge decision, so if you aren’t ready yet to relocate but are interested in meeting singles from other states or cities, you can always do so via OkCupid. A free-to-register international online dating site and app, OkCupid features multiple-choice questions to match its members looking for love. Click here to join OkCupid now.

Sources: WalletHub, Journeyz