The Pax 3 might be the most well known dry herb vaporizer, but Storz & Bickel Crafty+ certainly gives it a run for its money. From the makers of the phenomenal Volcano vaporizer, the Crafty+ is a portable, handheld dry herb and concentrate vaporizer with a stunning and extremely unique industrial design that makes it stand out from just about every other product on the market.
The Crafty+’s industrial design isn’t just neat – it’s compact and offers a comfortable grip while vaping. It’s also a lot lighter than it looks. The included charging cable isn’t USB-C, but it’s micro-USB, and thankfully, it’s not proprietary. At the base of the device, an orange integrated stir tool is conveniently stowed. There are also concentrate pads included in the box.
The basic temperature on the device is 180 °F. This can be quickly boosted to 195 °F by using the dedicated orange Booster button. Alternatively, you can use its accompanying app to control the temperature. Unfortunately, the app is only available for Android devices now that Apple has banned vaping apps from its app store.
Inhaling vapor is done through a fold-out mouthpiece that is shaped like a little straw. We prefer this over the flat, wider mouth-piece design of the Pax 3 because it allows you to easily create a secure seal with your lips.
The Crafty+ uses conduction for fast heating up and even vaporization. The result is a vaporizer that produces super smooth yet pretty powerful vape clouds, which are very impressive for the size of the device. But what we especially appreciate about vaping with the Crafty+ is that the vaping experience isn’t harsh, but rather gentle, especially on the basic temperature.
Bottom line
Storz & Bickel’s Crafty+ vaporizer is pretty much the Rolls Royce of pocket vapes. To that effect, it certainly costs more than most of the competition – including the Pax 3, but that premium price tag gives you a sophisticated industrial design alongside a compact, easy-to-use device that is capable of producing super smooth vapor clouds.
Storz & Bickel’s Crafty+ vaporizer retails for $279 at