Sonos teams up with Beastie Boys on limited-edition Play:5

The company vows to gift all of its proceeds to music-related charities

Sonos teams up with Beastie Boys on limited-edition Play:5 1

Sonos has partnered with “Ad-Rock” and “Mike D” of the Beastie Boys to create a limited edition Play:5 speaker.

Designed by famed San Francisco artist Barry McGee, the eye-catching speaker is highlighted by its red and white grille, which reads “Beastie Boys” in McGee’s unique typeface.

According to Brian Beck – the company’s Head of Music – Sonos’ affinity with the iconic group dates back many years. In fact, Beck says that the group’s hit record “No Sleep till Brooklyn” was the very first song to blare from a Sonos speaker.

In the end, Sonos says its goal “is to empower the world to listen better, but it is also deeply focused on contributing to culture, enabling access to music, and music education.”

So, in an effort to give back, Sonos vows to gift all of its proceeds to music-related charities by way of the Adam Yauch Foundation.

Starting in December, fans can purchase the limited-edition Beastie Boys Play:5 for $499.

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