The Pampers Lumi smart diaper sensor starts doing the dirty work today

The Lumi kit, including a baby monitor, a diaper sensor, and an app, launches today at CES 2020

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Parenting takes teamwork — and often enough, that doesn’t just mean the parents. Grandparents, nannies, and babysitters can all end up pitching in, and with how hectic that first year of life can be, it can become a little tough for parents to be aware of the routines their babies are developing. Enter Lumi, a monitoring system and platform created by Pampers to help get everyone on the same page. Announced last year, Pampers announced today at CES 2020 that Lumi is now available to order.

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Lumi combines a Logitech baby monitor with an activity sensor that goes on the baby’s diaper. The baby monitor helps parents keep eyes on baby, while keeping track of ambient temperature and humidity. The diaper sensor automatically logs when babies make use of their diapers, along with their sleep — it’s a replacement for manual logs, which can be hard to maintain when so many people are helping to care for a newborn.

All that data is stored on the Lumi app, which parents can use to add other caregivers. Once everyone in that circle is using the app, parents can get an accurate look at their baby’s development, helping them to get their baby into a healthy feeding and sleeping routine faster. It’ll make life a lot easier for parents — no need to round up everyone to ask about feeding, sleeping, and changing times, and getting baby into a routine faster means more sleep for everyone.

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Lumi includes the baby monitor, the activity sensor, and a couple Pampers Lumi diapers. The whole kit is now available to order in the US for $350.