L.A.‘s Finest, the action comedy crime series starring Gabrielle Union and Jessica Alba, has gained a dedicated following since its premiere in 2019. As a spinoff of the Bad Boys franchise, the show’s gripping storyline and the dynamic duo of crime-fighting partners have enthralled fans.
Unfortunately, Spectrum canceled the series in October 2020 after two seasons alongside several others when Charter decided to phase out the Spectrum Originals program. This article will explore the latest news surrounding the series, including the reasons for its early cancellation.
When is L.A.’s Finest Season 3 coming out?
Fans of L.A.’s Finest will be disappointed to note that Spectrum canceled the police procedural comedy-drama on October 2020 after it ran for two seasons.
While there has been speculation about potential revivals or transfers to streaming platforms like Netflix, especially after Gabriel Union’s appearance on TNT’s NBA post-game show (when she was promoting the film Cheaper By The Dozen), where she said,
“I really enjoyed that too, as did my accountants. However, they canceled us right before the pandemic, so unless we come back as a movie type of thing for maybe Netflix or perhaps they will let us into Bad Boys IV. I don’t know. “
The chances of the TV show getting revived in the future seem slim. For now, viewers will have to appreciate and enjoy the two existing seasons of the TV show.
The real reason L. A.’s Finest Season 3 got canceled
The axing of L.A.’s Finest Season 3 resulted from multiple factors. Decreased ratings and less-than-stellar user scores, especially in the show’s second season, caused it to lose momentum on Spectrum Originals.
The cop drama series struggled to attract a substantial audience when streaming on Spectrum, which may have been a critical factor in the platform’s decision not to greenlight a third season. In addition, the cop drama also received poor reviews from critics as well.
Potential ties to the Black Lives Matter movement
In 2020, the release of the second season of L.A.’s Finest was delayed due to the nationwide protests surrounding the death of George Floyd. The show’s creators felt that it would be insensitive to release the show at a time when there was so much anger and unrest about police brutality.
The series’ second season was scheduled to premiere with thirteen episodes in June 2020 but was pushed back and announced to premiere in September 2020. The series was finally canceled in October 2020 after two successful runs.
What is the show L.A.’s Finest about?
L.A.’s Finest is an action comedy police procedural series that premiered on Spectrum on May 2019—the first season also premiered on Fox in September 2020.
Created by Brandon Margolis and Brandon Sonnier, the series is a spinoff of the Bad Boys film series and stars Gabrielle Union, who reprises her role in Bad Boys as Syd Burnett, a former DEA agent who gets transferred to the LAPD’s Robbery-Homicide Division. Jessica Alba co-stars as Nancy McKenna, a detective, and a working mom with an equally complex history.
L.A.’s Finest: Cast
- Gabrielle Union as Detective Sydney Burnett: Syd Burnett is a former DEA agent who has transferred to the LAPD’s Robbery-Homicide Division. She is Marcus Burnett’s (Martin Lawrence) sister from the Bad Boys movies. Agent Sydney is a tough, skilled, street-smart cop unafraid to bend the rules to get the job done.
- Jessica Alba as Detective Nancy McKenna: Nancy McKenna is a working stepmother and former career criminal. She is Syd’s new partner in the LAPD. Before joining the LAPD, Nancy served as an Explosive Ordnance Disposal technician in the U.S. Navy and received the Navy Cross and Purple Heart award. Nancy is a strong, independent woman, unafraid to stand up for her beliefs.
- Duane Martin as Ben Baines: Ben Baines is a fellow detective and one of “The Bens.”
- Zach Gilford as Ben Walker: Ben Walker is a fellow detective and one of “The Bens.”
- Ryan McPartlin as Patrick McKenna: Patrick McKenna is Nancy’s husband and a Los Angeles assistant district attorney who is subsequently named interim district attorney.
- Sophie Reynolds as Isabel McKenna: Isabel “Izzy” McKenna is Nancy’s stepdaughter and Patrick’s daughter.
- Ernie Hudson as Joseph Vaughn: Joseph Vaughn is Marcus, Syd’s estranged father and an ex-LAPD cop.
How many episodes are there in seasons 1 and 2 of L.A.’s Finest?
L.A.’s Finest had 26 episodes in total, with 13 episodes each in its first and second seasons. The first season aired from May 13 to July 22, 2019, and the second aired on September 9.
Where can I watch L.A.’s Finest?
Amazon Video would be the go-to place to rent and buy both seasons of L.A.’s Finest. You can also buy seasons 1 and 2 of the comedy-drama on Apple TV, Google Play Movies, and Vudu.
Is L.A.’s Finest on Netflix?
L.A.’s Finest was originally produced by Spectrum Originals, and Netflix later acquired it for streaming in other countries. Although the show was on Netflix for a while, it was removed from the streaming service in January 2023.
It is likely because Netflix’s license to stream the show expired in January 2023 and is no longer available on the service. There is no word on whether or not L.A.’s Finest will be available on Netflix again.
Sources: looper.com, Variety, Deadline, Dexerto