Nike is planning to introduce Nike Fit, an AR technology widget that allows users to measure their feet from the comfort of their own home.
This app is bound to cut down on trips to the nearest Nike store in order to size shoes out. At the very least, it should at least enable shoe buyers to find the right shoe fit every time, Engadget reports.
As far as apps go, using the Nike Fit would be fairly straightforward. There would be an extra option in the product pages that let users pick out standard shoe sizes, and it would be for the ability to just measure a user’s feet.
The app will use a smartphone’s camera in order to work, and it will harness the power of AR to get measurements right every single time. It will let users scan their own feet quickly and quite easily, so much so that Nike is planning to make it a core functionality moving forward.
What’s even more interesting is that the information that is gathered from measuring a user’s feet with the app gets saved to that person’s Nike profile. This can then be used for later reference in case he or she wants to buy shoes again.
It may seem like a no-brainer, but the reality is that there are no major shoe makers promoting the use of such technology yet. Until now, that is.
The new Nike Fit features will be rolled out some time in July of this year, and it will be available first in the US with plans for a release in Europe in the summer.