Ant-man and the Wasp trailer indicate it’s going to be a lot better than the original

It’s coming to a theater near you this summer

Ant-man and the Wasp trailer indicate it's going to be a lot better than the original 1

We’re not sure that Marvel addiction is a real thing, but after seeing the tremendous Avengers: Infinity War, we were left gagging for another hit from that particular cinematic universe. Thankfully, we don’t have too long to wait. This summer sees the studio release Ant-man and the Wasp.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with Ant-man, he is a superhero who probably didn’t deserve his own movie, but we are definitely glad he got one. He has now appeared in a few Marvel movies, but has thus far only had one solo outing.

Here’s a brief synopsis of the first Ant-man film to get you all caught up; Paul Rudd played an anti-hero type, who hasn’t always been on the right side of the law. He got a suit which gave him the capabilities of becoming really small and quite big, which was made by a brilliant scientist, who was played by Michael Douglas. Rudd’s Ant-man character used these capabilities to stop a bad guy doing bad things and Michael Peña made everyone laugh. There was also some hints that  Evangeline Lilly would become the Wasp in a follow-up movie.

In terms of Marvel films, it landed somewhere in the top half – not their best effort, but nowhere close to their worst. Fortunately, the sequel looks a lot more promising.

This upcoming film is on a timeline before Infinity War, so don’t expect to see much discussion regarding the fallout from that.

As the name suggests, the story sees Ant-Man learning to work alongside the Wasp – who is wearing a suit with similar capabilities to his – except it has wings.

The antagonist is played by Hannah John-Kamen here and is called Ghost. This lady has sticky fingers, having stolen a pretty cool super suit from Michael Douglas’ Hank Pym character… that guy needs better security.

In terms of how this movie will connect with the rest of the Marvel universe, we are not exactly sure just yet.

However, if the trailer is anything to go by, we are set for another Marvel cinematic treat.

Ant-Man and the Wasp was directed by Peyton Reed and will be in theaters this summer on July 6th. Don’t forget your bug spray!