Chrome Desktop Integrates Google Lens, Introduces New AI Features

Chrome Now Offers AI-Powered Solutions for Common Browsing Tasks

Google Lens on Chrome Desktop
Google Lens is now available on Chrome on Desktop | ©Image Credit: Google

Hot on the heels of Google bringing heavy AI integration to Chromebooks, Google Chrome is about to get some AI love too.

Google Lens Comes to Desktop

Introducing the new Google Lens in Chrome desktop

Remember when Google Lens was just a mobile thing? Well, not anymore! Chrome is bringing this visual search wizardry right to your desktop. See something cool on a webpage? Just click that Lens icon, select what caught your eye, and boom! You’re instantly searching the web without leaving your tab.

You can also use Google Lens to select objects or text from a video lecture, like a math equation, and quickly get a description in the Chrome side panel to learn more about it

You can refine your results by color, brand, or whatever floats your boat. And if you’re in the US, you might even get an AI-generated overview that’s smarter than your average search result.

Tab Compare: Your Personal Shopping Guru

Tab Compare
Tab Compare is an AI-powered feature that generates a comparison table of products across multiple tabs, all in one place. | ©Image Credit: Google

Online shopping can be a maze of open tabs and endless comparisons. But Chrome’s got your back with the new Tab compare feature. This AI-powered feature generates a comparison table of products across multiple tabs, all in one place. It’s kind of like having a personal assistant who’s really good at spreadsheets.

Imagine you’re hunting for the perfect Bluetooth speaker for your next adventure. Chrome will swoop pulling together all the specs, prices, and reviews into one neat package.

While this new feature is certainly convenient, we can’t help but be concerned that it will take away web traffic from publishers who offer similar product comparisons.

Time Travel Through Your Browsing History

Search History with AI
Chrome Search History with AI. | ©Image Credit: Google

Okay, not actual time travel (sorry, Doc Brown), but Chrome’s new AI-powered history search feature is pretty darn close. Ever find yourself thinking, “What was that awesome ice cream shop website I stumbled upon last week?” Just ask Chrome like you’re chatting with a friend, and it’ll dig through your history to find it.

Don’t worry, privacy lovers – this feature is totally optional and steers clear of your incognito adventures.

One thing’s for sure, Google’s not messing around with these AI upgrades. It seems that Google is attempting to transform Chrome into a do-it-all browsing powerhouse.