SevenPointOne is making it easy to detect dementia

The’ve developed a 1-minute test that can detect dementia through a phone call

SevenPointOne is making it easy to detect dementia 1

Dementia is quickly rising as a major health concern around the world. As the planet’s elderly population grows in numbers, cases are expected to double in the next 30 years.

What’s worse is that 91% of patients in the U.S. are undiagnosed. Yet, early detection and diagnosis could potentially save the U.S. alone 7 trillion by reducing medical care expenses.

SevenPointOne is a Korea-based startup that has come up with digital healthcare solutions for an aging world. Their first solution is focused on making it easier and more efficient to diagnose dementia.

In an interview, SevenPointOne explained to us that brain power usually doesn’t have a sudden drop, which is why dementia tends to go unnoticed. What makes things even more problematic is that the current healthcare system makes it difficult to get tested for dementia.

This is why SevenPointOne has developed a routine check-up system for dementia that anyone can easily access and use.

Their AIzWIN product is a 1-minute test that checks your verbal influence. Unlike traditional dementia tests, It can be done at any time, through a phone, and doesn’t require seeing a doctor.

In the early stages of dementia, there are verbal metrics that can be used to detect dementia and AIzWIN uses those verbal metrics to detect dementia. SevenPointOne claims that their test is just as effective as the traditional dementia tests that you take with a doctor.

Once Dementia has been diagnosed, the company has developed a VR therapy solution called Sentents to help treat dementia too. The VR therapy solution is designed to be used in group sessions, such as those in senior centers, like the one in the video below. But it’s also made to work with individual dementia patients.

서울 중계그린 경로당 시연 장면 - 짧은 집단세션

Sentents needs to be used once per week to be effective. SevenPointOne says that to date, 280 people with dementia have tested it and it has been proven to increase happiness level and breathing levels.

SevenPointOne is currently working in Korea with insurance companies like Samsung and Cigna and hospitals and pharmaceuticals.

What’s next for SevenPointOne? The company hopes to release its VR solution for dementia in the U.S. within the next 8 to 10 months. SevenPointOne will also be exhibiting at the upcoming CES 2023 conference in Vegas.

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