Mint Chocolate Chip Oreo cookies from Baskin Robbins are coming

These limited-edition Oreos are set to hit stores in the very near future

Mint Chocolate Chip Oreo cookies from Baskin Robbins are coming 1

Since late last year, junk food and snack bloggers have been ranting and raving about a potential Mint Chocolate Chip x Oreo mashup with Baskin Robbins.

Well, it appears the snack gods have answered their prayers after a snack-centric Instagram account called Junk Banter leaked photos of the mouthwatering sweet treat. Crafted in conjunction with Baskin Robbins, these limited-edition Oreos are set to hit stores in the very near future.

According to Pop Sugar, the tantalizing snacks are made of “a layer of chocolate creme and a layer of mint-flavored creme studded with chocolate chips, which is all sandwiched between two original chocolate cookies.” Needless to say, they sound delicious!

We have yet to independently confirm an official release date. Stay tuned.